Mardi Gras is a big deal along the Gulf Coast! With Mobile being the original home of Mardi Gras, we took a poll of our team asking everyone’s favorite part of this time of year.
Marietta Urquhart (Commercial Sales & Leasing): “One of my favorite traditions is having the opportunity to socialize with family and friends during the Mardi Gras season.”

Crawford Stitt (Commercial Sales & Leasing): “King Cake and the Comic Cowboys parade!”
Stacey Dellinger (Receptionist): “My favorite tradition is that we always stand at the same place (the same place we stood when I was a kid!). I see SO MANY people that I haven’t seen since the previous Mardi Gras and we get to catch up while we’re waiting on the parade to start!”

Katherine Trotter (President): “I love king cake and moon pies.”
Katie Lumpkin (Leasing Coordinator): “King cake! And teaching my daughter how to make dog figurines out of Mardi Gras beads.”

Alton Powell (Property Manager): “I’m pretty creative at getting out of Mardi Gras events.”
Chrissy Schneider (Office Manager): “My friends and I started annual Mardi Gras party about 3 years ago, with homemade king cakes and southern food. The irony is that we’re all transplants to Mobile!”